火鍋吃到飽 板橋


終場前1分10秒,湖人還握有9分領先,眼看就要擺脫先前一波9連敗低潮,但巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)連投帶切,包辦最後7分,正規賽獨拿33分,加上賈索(Pau Gasol)終場前11秒關鍵補籃得手,湖人最後一擊失手,雙方以98平進入延長。


前3節一路領先的湖人,第4節中段又打出一波8比0攻勢,在布瑟(Carlos Boozer)與林書豪帶動下,眼看就要收下此戰勝利。

但沒想到最終紫金軍團還是花光領先,湖人總教練史考特(Byron Scott)關鍵時刻硬是不放上林書豪,而由菜鳥控衛克拉克森(Jordan Clarkson)掌控節奏,但他卻是失誤連連,讓巴特勒連拿7分,加上賈索終場前11秒補籃放進羅斯(Derrick Rose)失手上籃,公牛逼平比分。

湖人最後一擊由希爾(Jordan Hill)操刀,但他單打勾射奪框而出,雙方進入延長賽加班。


下載《ET籃年菜預購 台南球瘋》,一手掌握林書豪與其他國內外籃球訊息!



火鍋吃到飽 永和

(中央社記者郝雪卿台中4日電)台中市老人健保費補助今年起調整補助對象,台中市副市長林依瑩與社會局長呂建德今天前往台中市仁愛之家宣布,老人健保費補助排富後,市府再推出7項擴大服務。 台中市老人健保費補助今年起調整補助對象,限縮至低收及中低收65歲以上長輩,以遵守市議會對非法定社會福利須排富的決議及審計部相同的建議。 社會局指出,因此省下的經費,將投入7大服務方案,包括增加老人共餐據點、老人送餐服務、長青學苑班數倍增等,同時改善居家服務員的勞動條件,提升對長輩的服務品質與時間,希望減輕長輩子女的照顧負擔,並增加就業機會。 林依瑩及呂建德中午前往仁愛之家宣布,老人健保費補助排富後,市府再推出的7項擴大服務,今年省下的經費將在「社會投資」的原則下,提供實際福利,而非發放現金。 呂建德指出,包含配合中央推動長照2.0、長青學苑倍增計畫、共餐、送餐擴大服務、長照人力倍增計畫、敬老愛心卡、假牙補助等,總計106年老人福利預算將比105年增加1.2億元,整體達36億6832萬元。 林依瑩表示,她在弘道老人福利基金會任職20年,發現常有子女有錢、卻找不到服務的現象。市府推出「托老一條龍」政策,整合健康、亞健康、失能老人的服務,健康的老人可以到長青學苑、稍微不舒服就有送餐與居家服務,將是為人子女的一大福音。 今年起將老人健保補助排富省下的經費擴大服務,是明智的決定,可讓台中市的長輩照顧更上層樓。1060104


CATACLYSMIC: Issues that surfaced when the feasibility of the changes was being debated were not addressed and the controversy is ripping the nation apart, Hung saidBy Shih Hsiao-kuang and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with staff writerChinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chairwoman Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱) yesterday said that the KMT would not sit on its hands while the public suffers from potential price hikes caused by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration’s changes to labor laws, adding that the party’s lawmakers and a think tank are drawing up amendments to fix the problem.At an afternoon meeting of the KMT’s Central Standing Committee, Hung said action must be taken in light of Premier Lin Chuan’s (林全) remark that the “one fixed day off and one flexible rest day” policy would inevitably lead to a general rise in the cost of living.Lin said in an interview with the Chinese-language China Times published on Tuesday that the amendment of the Labor Standards Act (勞動基準法) was aimed at reducing the working hours of employees, but it is impossible that can be achieved without an increase in consumer prices.President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) administration has neglected to address issues that surfaced when the government was still debating the feasibility of the changes, Hung said, adding that the controversy is ripping the nation apart.The DPP elected to adopt the “one fixed day off and one flexible rest day” policy, which increases overtime payments and relaxes annual leave standards in a bid to win the support of young people, Hung said.However, the policy’s implementation would cause more than 70 percent of workers to suffer the consequences of raised prices for commodities or be laid off, she said.Hung also blasted what she called the DPP’s double standards on price hikes, citing as an example the widely condemned decision of former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) administration to raise the prices for electricity and natural gas.“Ma’s administration faced vicious criticism [from the DPP] at the time, but now Tsai’s administration makes price hikes sound like a matter of course. The KMT will not allow the situation to go unchecked and is starting to look into measures that would mitigate the impacts of the legislation,” Hung said.Taipei Chamber of Commerce director-general Wang Ying-chieh (王應傑), who was invited by the KMT to give a speech about the possible outcomes of the amendments in yesterday’s committee meeting, said the public transportation industry has been the most hard-hit by the policy.Wang said the industry has arrived at a consensus that it would start hiking ticket prices at the latest after the Lantern Festival next month.Wang said that the industry estimates an increase of 8 percent in operation costs due to the implementation of the policy, adding that the transportation industry is seeking to adapt by cutting down the total number of shifts employees work and raising ticket prices.Additional reporting by CNA新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

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